
In order to properly start Auth, the following variables can be set. All values are the default ones.

# Database configuration
# Database type. Current only postgres is supported
export AUTH_DB_NAME="dojot_auth"
# The username used to access the database
export AUTH_DB_USER="kong"
# The password used to access the database
export AUTH_DB_PWD=""
# The address used to connect to the database
export AUTH_DB_ADDRESS="postgres"
# The port used to connect to the database
export AUTH_DB_PORT=5432
# Automatically create database
export AUTH_DB_CREATE="True"

# Users and password configuration

# E-mail server through which reset password e-mails are going to be sent
# If set to "" then default password is going to be ${AUTH_USER_TMP_PWD} and
# passwords can be reset directly by API requests.
# E-mail server port to connect
export AUTH_SMTP_PORT=587
# E-mail server uses TLS (or not)
export AUTH_SMTP_TLS="true"
# E-mail server user account
export AUTH_SMTP_USER=""
# E-mail server user passord
# If you are using a front end with Auth, define this link to point to the
# password reset view on you frontend page
# User default password if ${AUTH_SMTP_ADDRESS} is set to ""
export AUTH_USER_TMP_PWD="temppwd"
# Password request expiration time (in minutes)
# How many passwords should be checked on the user history to enforce no
# password repetition policy
# Minimum valid password length.
# Path to password blacklist file
export AUTH_PASSWD_BLACKLIST="password_blacklist.txt"

# Auth cache configuration

# Type of cache used. Currently only Redis is suported.
# If set to 'NOCACHE' auth will work without cache.
# Disabling cache usage considerably degrades performance.
export AUTH_CACHE_NAME="redis"
# username to access the cache database
export AUTH_CACHE_USER="redis"
# password to acces the cache database
export AUTH_CACHE_PWD=""
# ip or hostname where the cache can be found
export AUTH_CACHE_ADDRESS="redis"
# Redis port
export AUTH_CACHE_PORT=6379
# Cache entry time to live in seconds
export AUTH_CACHE_TTL=720
# cach database name (or number)

# General configuration

# Expiration time in second for generated JWT tokens
export AUTH_TOKEN_EXP=420
# Default output for logging. The other valid options is "SYSLOG"

# Other services

# The URL where the Kong service can be found.
# If set to "", Auth won´t try to configure Kong and will generate secrets for
# the JWT tokens by itself.
export KONG_URL="http://kong:8001"
# Where Data Broker is
export DATA_BROKER_URL="http://data-broker"
# Kafka address
export KAFKA_ADDRESS="kafka"
# Kafka port
export KAFKA_PORT=9092
# Where RabbitMQ can be accessed
export RABBITMQ_ADDRESS="rabbitmq"
# Port used by RabbitMQ instance
export RABBITMQ_PORT=15672

# dojot variables

# Global subject to use when publishing tenancy lifecycle events
export DOJOT_SUBJECT_TENANCY="dojot.tenancy"
# Global service to use when publishing dojot management events
# such as new tenants
export DOJOT_SERVICE_MANAGEMENT="dojot-management"

If you are running a standalone instance of Auth (without docker), then you need to create a user and a database first. This could be done by the following command:

createuser -h ${AUTH_DB_ADDRESS}:${AUTH_DB_PORT} -d ${AUTH_DB_USER}

Remember that these commands uses a simple and not properly secured instance of PostgreSQL. If you are using a public environment or a PostgreSQL service from a cloud provider, check the proper documentation on how to create users and databases.

After creating a user and a database for it, you should execute the following command to create all other tables in Auth database.

python3 -m auth.initialConf
gunicorn auth.webRoutes:app \
    --bind \
    --reload \
    -R \
    --access-logfile - \
    --log-file - \
    -k gevent

Remember that the ${AUTH_PASSWD_BLACKLIST} file is relative to where these two commands are run.